Professor Yiannis Raptis

School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
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Yannis Raptis is Professor in the Physics Department of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences (SAMPS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He got his BSc (1981) from the Physics Department of the National-Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), and attended, (as a scholar of the Greek Agency of Atomic Energy), post-graduate courses (1981-82) co-organized by NCSR “Demokritos” – NTUA – NKUA. Then, he was hired as a Research Associate in the National Technical University of Athens, where he did his PhD (1982-1988), entitled “Spectroscopic Study of Temperature Gradients on Semiconductor Surface, due to Laser Radiation”, under the supervision of the late Professor E. Anastassakis.

            In 1989 he was elected as a Lecturer in the General (Science) Department of NTUA. In 1993 he was elected as an Assistant Professor in the same Department, where he got a permanent position in 1994. He was elected in a position of Associate Professor (2003) and of Full Professor (2016) of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of NTUA. During the decade 1985-1995, he has also worked as a visiting scientist in the Universities of Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), in Max-Planck Institute (Stuttgart), in the Technical University of Berlin, and in the University of Barcelona.

            His research interests are related with the spectroscopic study (Raman, Luminescence) mainly of semiconducting materials of the groups IV (Si, Ge, SiC), III-V (GaAs, InP, InSb, AlSb, GaP) και II-VI (CdTe, CdZnTe), in bulk and porous forms, thin layers, heterostructures and low-dimensional systems such as superlattices and quantum wells, using macro- and micro-Raman as well as luminescence techniques under variable temperature, pressure, uniaxial stress, and biaxial elastic strains induced by mismatched lattices of multilayered systems. He has also worked in a-Si and nc-Si under laser-annealing conditions, thermo- and electro-chromic properties of vanadium oxides (VO2, V2O5), as well as perovskite materials (PL and high-pressure Raman studies).  

The results of these investigations have been presented in more than 90 papers in peer-review journals and in more than 50 presentations in National and International Conferences and have got more than 1400 citations (h=22) [2019]. He has been, also, Scientific Responsible in several national or bilateral-collaboration research projects and Researcher in European research projects.

            Y. Raptis has served as a referee in more than 10 international scientific journals  (Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Crystal Growth, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Journal de Physique IV, Material Science and Engineering B - Solid State Materials for Adv. Technology, Nanotechnology, Physical Review B, Semiconductors Science and Technology, Physical Review Letters), and he has participated in the organizing committees of national and international conferences.

He has also served in the following administrative positions at NTUA:

(a) Director of the Interdepartmental Program of Postgraduate Studies “Physics and Technological Applications” (2005-2006),

(b) Director of the Physics Department and member of the Board of Directors of the SAMPS (2006-08),

(c) Director of the Interdepartmental Program of Postgraduate Studies “Microsystems and Nanotechnology” (since 2009),

(d) Vise-Dean of SAMPS (2015-19)

while he has also participated in the Committees of Pre-graduate and Post-graduate studies of the School AMPS (as the Coordinator) and of the corresponding NTUA-Senate Committees (as a member).